Thursday, July 02, 2009

Pretty Dresses & Books

Brian and I have a nice little routine in the { way to early } morning... I pick out what the Peeps are going to wear and he gets them dresses... I have always had fun dressing the boys...but I admit to having way too much fun now that I have a little girl to dress...I know, people who have known me for years will tell you " Chloe changed Sheridith real fast!" hehe...Here is the little Princess wearing an adorable white eyelet dress complete with matching bloomers...Precious As anyone who has ever known me for 5 minutes will tell you, I love the's one of my favorite places in the world and I am attempting to create that same love of books in the little off to the Library we you can see...They LOVE it...

Both boys are bringing me books all day long to read to's the New THING... I am really loving this stage.


Jen said...

What a cute dress and Chloe is adorable too!! I notice you became a follower of my blog and I wanted to come by and say welcome and to also say thank you for following me!! I look forward to getting to know you better too!!


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