Monday, September 14, 2009

So...Ethan can Dance?!

Today, was DAY 4 of rain! We are loving the cooler temps for sure... but the natives (little boys) are growing restless... Thank god..It was Monday, and Speech for, off to the weekly races we go!

Ethan had a fabulous time with Amanda at Speech.. they made Pizza! yummo! When we got home, I got everyone settled down for naps...or "fake" naps for Ethan.. he sits on the stairs very quietly until I decide he has "napped" long enough and he comes down.. :)

When Jacob & Chloe were up, we were all doing different things of course and all of the sudden Ethan asks me to turn the radio on ( he pointed furiously at the radio...mental note.. teach him to say radio/music ).. so of course, I turned it on.. and....

Who knew? I had no idea my little guy could dance! He had the most fun and kept dancing for quite some time! He even got upset when the radio went to commercial & as soon as I had music playing again..he was right back to dancing...hilarious!


Melody said...

What a ham!!!
You've got yourself quite the dancer there!

Sarah Haney, M.A. said...

Too cute! When Emily dances she stomps around and spins in circles.

Renee' said...

Hey Ethan, I would be happy to be your dance partner. Think you can teach me some of your moves...Sheridith, How cute, got more than a smile out of me...i giggled..way to go girl!! oh put pics of my nasty leg on fb...don't gross out

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