The past few days have not been easy for our little Pooh. She has had a stomach bug that would not give up. Poor Chloe would get {grossly} sick anytime she ate anything...anything at all. She wanted to eat and would eagerly get a small bite of toast.. but no, she couldn't keep it down. It was so sad... and gross... We had the Zofran to help her from getting sick, but she was taking alot of it..... after she got sick yesterday morning her {amazing} Peditrician sent us to the ER.. she was dehydrated... Some IV fluids. Can I tell you how absolutely heartbreaking the IV process was? She was so brave but her veins are so tiny... it was just awful... she hated all the drinks.. she licked a popscicle....very carefully... and finally, they sent her home... UPDATE : Chloe has been "throw up" free for 24 hours now. She is sleeping and is still very tired and weak but is doing better. We are so very proud of our brave little Pooh ♥
I'm so excited and happy that Chloe is doing better. Love all the pictures!!
Thank goodness she's better!
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