Sunday, October 18, 2009

~ The Bookstore ~

No... we did not forget about you... we are still dealing with multiple illnesses... ugh... Ethan is doing somewhat better & we are hopeful that he will return to school tomorrow.. Jacob is now coughing & running fevers, showing signs of the flu as well.. I predict I will be taking him to the Dr this week.. Chloe is still all snotty & cranky...I predict she will be in the Dr's as well this week... I am suffering from a terrible head cold... sigh.. Brian & Brandon are well....
We did manage to have a nice weekend with Brandon { no bathroom flooding occurred}... haha... Saturday the boys were anxious.. we needed to go somewhere.. anywhere.. Ethan was literally clinbing the walls...I didn't want anything as big as the mall.. so,
where did we go?
My favorite place...
and as you can see
The Peeps love it here as well....

The Bookstore!!

for those of you that don't know me.. I LOVE bookstores & libraries... I LOVE them.. and so do my babies...check it out!

The boys...deciding where to start

Pooh found the wall sketch section and couldn't get enough of them!
Pooh is soooo excited! { she does the clapping thing all the time and it's super cute! }
This is earlier in the day...Chloe managed to get her arm out of her shirt.. hehe


This was during the Cotton Bowl... when TU was LOSING... { sad, it didn't end that way}....but a good game and we are glad we watched...
Brandon... who recently began setting his highschool course schedule.. he is so far taking...Chemistry 1 & 2... Forensic Sciene (gross)... FASHION & ADVANCED FASHION Design....Creative Writing & Debate ( following in my footsteps)... Calculas & French....

if you are curious.. he took a career apptitude test and it listed Fashion Designer as a top field for him ( we chuckle ..)

There she goes....getting right to the books... Ethan looks at the choices in the books .....{yes, that is a Star Wars book he is reaching for... GEE.. I wonder who taught him about that ????}


Renee' said...

MOMMY YOUR THE GREATEST!! Every child should have such a love for book (but I told ya bout my child already) I could so spend hours in a book store. Wow and Brandon's schedule shewwwwww..he is one smart cookie and I know your really proud...hey don't chuckle at the top fashion designer thing...see were I am going Fashion desiner son = best dressed Mom on the block!! (just don't forget us little runts when you start dressing to the nines!! hehe) You know how I feel bout these pictures!! Greatest ones ever!! Thanks for sharing your trip it made me grin!!

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