Monday, October 05, 2009

Totally Random Good Times...

Just trying to catch up a bit. In the chaos..that is our life.. I had not psted some of the random photos of the peeps... in all their glory

Ethan & Jacob... buds... {if you are wondering what that is in Ethan's hand, it's a allergy free cookie.. a rare treat in this house! } Happy Day!

Chloe got her 1st Hoodie... o, we are loving the cooler temps, for sure!

1st Hoodie!!

It's the fun of it! Sometime, before the sun came up.. still in those super cute long johns .. {thank you Grandma Sarah }... she found... a new toy!

Looky what I got this morning!

OK... I know you are all going...what on earth does Ethan have on his head? well, he was goofing off.. playing with Chloe's headband.. he was having so much fun with it.. I couldn't resist.. I asked ( yes, I did) if I could take a picture... as you can see, he was thrilled to have this picture taken!

He was playing with Chloe's headband

O... who doesn't love Pasta night?



Renee' said...

Don't see the head band photo. You kids have the greatest smiles..there whole faces light up and that makes my day. I always know where to come to when I need to smile and for that I thank you. Enjoy hockey tomorrow night!! Hope your Dallas team kicks some major bootie.

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