Thursday, June 11, 2009

Stormy Weather and Texting from the bathroom...

We had some HUGE storms come blowiung thru here last night....the winds were around 70 mph and the rain was INTENSE.... all of the sudden...HUGE thunder and lightening....the boys were on the sofa trying to burrow under the pillows...then all the LIGHTS went OUT.... it was DARK..the tornado sirens went off and we grabbed the flashlights, cell phones and kids...and ran for the biggest bathroom upstairs...we made the boys comfy on the floor...with a few blankets and pillows...Brandon had thought quickly and grabbed sippy cups and CHOO CHOOs on his way upstrairs { he is AWESOME }.... that kept the little ones comforted in t he midst of the storms....Chloe SLEPT in her carseat and played with her favorite little caterpillar...heheshe wasn't fazed a bit... Brandon got out his cell phone and started texting his dad, who was out of the storm area and able to see the news...he would text Brandon the newest weather information as it became available... { thank you Jason...}.... soon, it settled down...and we came out of the bathroom...the little ones were still afraid and soo tired...they went right to their beds and fell right to sleep....Brian,Brandon & I.... spoke with the neighbors a bit and looked at the damage...a BUNCH of trees and limbs all over...some roof tiles blown off....the intersection lights had exploded and there was alot of flooding but we are grateful that it wasn't was very SCARY there for a bit...
The winds scattered everything on the porch and we are glad that Brian folded the canopy or the tree would have landed right on top...

When the boys saw this big downed tree limb in front of our window....they excitedly talked about "boom, down, out, crash..." we heard about it all morning...LOL


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