Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Rainy Days, Movies & Trains...and a new little table...well, sort of...

It's been a quiet few days at home this week...it rained this morning and the boys enjoyed hangin' out a bit and watching Finding Nemo...{ or "fiissshhh" as jacob says,LOL }
here Ethan is pointing to Nemo and the other fish he sees on the TV...
The boys LOVE to play with all of their trains!! It's trains, and trains.. all day...hehe
What are those boys sitting on? We picked up this little TV stand for literally nothing {someone was moving } and thought we might have the boys use it as little shelves....but O no....they have figured out how to SIT on the lower shelves and use the TOP as a little table of sorts...hehe...very creative of them!!
Jacob is watching Choo Choos..... I love pictures like this...so sweet

Ethan is also mesmerized by the movie...hehe...it was a fabulous rainy morning....


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