Sunday, June 14, 2009

Chloe rides in a wagon...Ethan gets a new do...someone eats banannas and the weekend in review...

A few weeks ago I happened upon the boys old Red Wagon....I realized that it would be the perfect addition to our outside jaunts with the boys.. The Wagon has a canopy and after a good washing { thank you Brian & Brandon } the wagon was once again ready for buisness...

In case you are wondering, Chloe is sitting in her little Bumbo...the seat that helps her sit up...when you fold the wagon seats down, they make the perfect surface to sit Chloe on...she looks like she is loving her little perch...

Every Princess needs a really cool ride...

Big brother Ethan is giving Chloe & Jacob a swell ride...

I caught Daddy gazing at our precious little Pooh..

I actually got these a few weeks ago and then life intervened and I never put them up.... Gma Janet had sent the most adorable little summer sandals for Chloe...they were too off to Target we went....they didn't have her size {sad face} but right next to them we saw these adorable little hair clips and just HAD to have them....aren't they just the cutest thing EVER...if you look at the R hand can see where Chloe chewed on them ...hhee { thank you G'ma Janet }

Chloe trys bananna with the little mesh feeder...she was curious but wanted to chew on the handle more...

Ethan got a new big boy haircut....I just can't believe this little guy is going to be 4 one week from today.... Here Ethan & Jacob are trying to help clean up storm damage...they are going to move the fallen trees...heheh - they really tried to move this tree...
In between all of this fun we did lots of laundry and dishes.... we ate and sang and danced....we ran, played with choo choo's....we took a nap { well, they took naps...LOL }....Jacob took a spill down the stairs {he's ok}...we missed Brandon...the boys stayed up late watching PBS Sprout....they slept in { not enough -LOL }.... we chatted with a few friends and we all prayed...we made plans...a busy week...Speech, Fathers Day, Ethans 4th many fun days coming soon...we are excited and look forward to telling you all about them...hehe....have a blessed week folks!


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