Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's a Beautiful Day...

The dawned, bright and sunny.. it was 80 degrees!! Wow.. and it was Brian's day off...
So, we loaded the peeps into the truck.
Made sure we had lots of bread and crackers...

and went to the Park!! Ethan & Jacob had been BEGGING to go.. and FINALLY we could!!
They were all so excited!!

The Playground....
I love this!! Jacob is actually trying to pull Ethan back up the was cute!

Chloe decided to munch out on the crackers we brought for the ducks :-)

Three out of Four of my boys

This is the "money shot" of Jacob...hahaha!
{ yes I trimmed his bangs...but I didn't touch those beautiful curls!}

He's about to throw food!!! hahaa
If you look close you can see the mud in his hair and all over the back of his shirt...yes, that was about 2 minutes after gettting there.... that's Jacob....(BG)

The Peeps ran & Played, I wore sandals & sunglasses, we walked, fed the ducks, chased birds {well, the boys did}... we ran and slid and climbed and swang.. it was alot of fun & already they want to go back! We will - alot!


Melody said...

Hey! Where's Edward and Bella?!?!?! LOL!

Renee' said...

Can you see how envious I am!! Close your yeys and you can picture it. 80 degrees!!! So not fair but hey I am not going to complain about our 66 degree days and its even in the 50s today with rain. Cute pictues of the peeps. It looks like you guys had a really good time at the park.Jacob and his mud are pecious...he gets that from Auntie Renee' I can't stay clean not matter what I try to do to prevent it. I just have to say that Edward and Bella were great....however...THEY DON'T HOLD A CANDLE TO THE CUTENESS OF THE PEEPS!!

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