Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Remember Me??

No, We did NOT forget about you.. I just kinda fell into a bit of a bloggy slump....but I am back now.. {everyone stand up & do the Happy Dance }... despite the lack of posts, never camera is always near....
You did see the previously posted video? Of course you did.... of a newly Walking Chloe? Yep, One week ago today to be precise.... she took off and let me tell you, she hasn't looked back! This girl is not only a walker, she's a climber...yes sirreee....on the furniture, end tables, dining tables... even tried to climb in jacobs crib... she knows no boundries....keeps us on our toes for sure!

And without further ado, I will catch you up on our life and times as seen thru the lens of my camera! This one {above } just TAKES MY BREATH AWAY... Holy Beautiful

This is how Brandon usually looks.....head down, texting...or head in the refrigerator.....hehe

..... and she has Betty Davis Eyes.....
o dear... look at the way that girl is standing already....

The boys recently enjoyed their 1st snowcones...big mess...big hated them...

I am telling you, this girl is an eater, she's actually trying to get Ethan's sippy cup here....hehe

The night before Mothers Day....Brian snapped this right before I went out with Miss Sylvia :)

This Boy...Yes, going to be FIVE next month...o my...where has the time gone?

Yes, that is three boys, going down the slide, with three snow one

O, this just might be one of my all time favorites... and so totally what life with jacob is like....hehe

Some more of Pooh in her Red Cowgirl Dress... I just am in love with these pictures I took in the park....

It should be noted, that Jacob PROUDLY dressed himself today....

Perhaps nothing as sweet as a daughter dancing with her daddy....

Brandon...Golfs...Did you know? Yes, he does. He's been on the Golf time for some time... Don't worry, he has NO desire to be the next Tiger.. nope, never fear...but he does look quite smart out there now doesn't he??

And there you have it.. you haven't missed a whole lot....Chloe is walking &'s getting hotter, lots of time in the yard & the parks, a picnic, Brandons golf tournament (s), I am still of course, unpacking, finding the perfect spot for this and that, Hanging things on the walls... and finding yummy things to cook for the peeps... they love when daddy Grills... yummo!!! Summer is coming and we can't wait.. all that extra time with Brandon...Ethan's Birthday..Toy Story 3 and Eclipse.. it's going to be sooo much fun and I promise not to go weeekkksss without posting again!!!


{ A special shout out to Emily's Beautiful Mama for all her help with the editing...couldn't have made these pictures NEARLY as beautiful without you.....}


Renee' said...

I have to say you have out done yourself. Wow what beautiful pictures...It's so hard to pick a favorite but I do have a greatest mother/daughter picture ever taken pick!! WOW and the one of her in the swing laughing is great great great. Gosh, Sheridith your babies are growing like weeds. Chloe looks like she had grown a ton, Jacobs already a stout built little man and Ethan...precious GQ still has it going on!!!

Thank you so much for sharing these pictures. I can never get enough of my favorite family of all time ;) but most of all Thank you for writing your blog and for answering a email I sent and becoming the dearest friend that I have. (and yes Brian, I love you too but don't tell Sheridith, I don't feel like feeling the Sheridith wrath on my head anytime soon!!)

Love ya!!!

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