Thursday, February 11, 2010

Did you say snow?

{in case you hadn't heard... hehe}
SNOWED!!!! As of 9 pm we had 9.4 inches of SNOW on the ground ... the LARGEST snowstorm in DFW history!! OMG!!!
Huge~Fluffy~ White~ Cotton ball sized Flakes..

So, of course...we took everyone out to PLAY
before there is any confusion... YES, that's a Dallas Cowboys helmet... NO, I have not changed my mind.. I still detest them.. { woot woot to those Saints tho!! } Jacob found it... we needed a hat...
It should also be noted that the snowman was decapitated several times....
so clearly, Jacob is against the Cowboys as well :)
Chloe CAUTIOUSLY investigated a snowball.. she wasn't overly fond of the white stuff
Daddy & Ethan building Mr Snowman
will you just look at those HUGE snowflakes??!!!

Our Snowman is almost as tall as the boys!!! {giggle}
teaching the fine art of snowball making..
There were ALOT of snowballs flying!

Chloe wanted absolutely NOTHING to do with touching that stuff....she went in for a nap to rest her frayed nerves shortly after this was taken...


{ Renee, this is just for you.. and yes, I know... I owe you one... sigh, i will get it there :) }
Chloe glances at the dreaded white stuff cautiously... "Just don't make me touch it Daddy"
Ethan and his snowball
This was taken 1st thing this morning.. jacob wanted to go right out and like his mama, he will stay in his Pj's until the last possible minute.. so there.. Jacob.. in his pj's - in the snow!
Three Men and a Snowman... is that 4 men?? hehe

We laughed...We pelted one another with snowballs....we made a snow man... we laughed some more... we giggled and behaved like people who had never seen snow... and we haven't - not liek this... it was an amazing day!! So much fun to watch the boys ♥


Renee' said...

My favorite post maybe of all it's so hard to pick but I love this one for the simple fact that with the exception of my non loving snowgirl pooh, there are smile a mile wide in every picture. It amazing how much fun a little or alot of snow can bring into our lives and afer the drama for you know where thats been going on you my dearest sweetest friend in the world deserved giggle galore!! I love that Pooh is showing her bottom teeth in the picture but oh my the poor little woman was stress to the max..and she poved me wrong..:( little pooh does not smile at all times!! Tell her just to call Auntie Nae if that mean ole Daddy tries to put her in the snow again..tell Brian I would be very afraid if I was'm so glad you had a wonderful day!!

Renee' said...

My public apology to Daddy of the Peeps since Mommy of the peeps shared the who put pooh in the snow secrect!!:)

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